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Showing posts with label Youth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Youth. Show all posts

Friday, August 22, 2014

How does our garden grow?

Wow, look at how much the youth garden plot has grown this summer! Thanks to the bad spring weather, the garden took a beating at the beginning. But despite that, the plot has grown to be a lovely, bright spot in the community garden in Kinsmen Park. Thank you to our dedicated volunteers who have made this happen. If you haven't seen the garden yet, make sure to stop by soon! 

Right after planting


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Youth Engagement Society at the Community Garden

The Youth Engagement Society's garden plot is up and running! Over the past two weeks, the group has been busy planting flowers and veggies- including: onions, tomatoes, hot peppers and cucumbers, among other things. They have used old tires as planters, and later this summer, the group hopes to paint the tire planters in bright, fun colors to add some pizzazz. The community garden is located in Kinsmen Park, by the ice cream shack. The group meets every Tuesday night for a little weeding and watering. They have an active Facebook group- search for "Youth Engagement Society of Martensville" to keep in the know, and drop by on Tuesday evenings to see what its all about!