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Showing posts with label Volunteer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Volunteer. Show all posts

Friday, February 20, 2015

Canada Day 2015 Meeting

The second Canada Day committee meeting is scheduled for February 25th at 7:00 pm-8:00 pm. The meeting will take place in room #2 in the Civic Centre. Everyone is welcome regardless of whether or not you were at the first meeting. There's lots of opportunities to help- pick and choose what appeals to you! At this stage, we are discussing live entertainment options and scheduling activities. This is a huge event that needs a lot of planning time, so we hope you'll join us!

Below is our Canada Day volunteer opportunities poster for the event. Please note that volunteering on the committee in no way obligates you to volunteer on the event day!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Martensville World Cafe Summer 2014

The Martensville Community Access Centre hosted its first “World Café” meeting on Monday, August 25th. A World Café is a gathering of community members to discuss concerns, ideas and actions. The turn-out was small, but enthusiastic. There was a definite interest in holding more meetings of this nature. One idea was to also do more specific, themed World Cafes about one topic at a time. This style of meeting would be open to the public and invitations would be sent out to those community members who have demonstrated an interest in the issue at hand.

Monday’s meeting was more of a general brainstorming session. Guided discussion began with thinking about what makes Martensville great as it is. There was strong praise for our family friendly atmosphere and beautiful green spaces. From there, individual concerns were listed. Each group then picked one topic they felt especially strongly about, and examined possible solutions.  The final group discussion focused on three main issues: boosting community spirit and involvement, bringing health services to Martensville, and altering current vendor opportunities to better serve our community and local artisans.

The citizens who spoke at this event were passionate and ready to take action, but they can’t do it alone. If there are any issues that you feel strongly about, please contact the Martensville Community Access Centre to let us know. From there, we hope to bring like-minded individuals together to form action groups to bring about the improvements we all hope to see. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Canada Day is Around the Corner!

Here at the Martensville Community Access Centre, we are busy planning our Canada Day celebration. We are making posters, organizing supplies and all that fun stuff. We have many activities planned that we would like to have running throughout the event, but unfortunately we do not have enough volunteers at this time to make that plan a reality. If you can volunteer some time for this event, please contact us at the centre. Time slots are only 30 minutes long and there are many kinds of activities to choose from.

Whether you are a volunteer or just want to come for the fun, we hope to see you and your family at the Canada Day Celebration at the North Ridge Community Centre on July 1st!

The Youth Engagement Society at the Community Garden

The Youth Engagement Society's garden plot is up and running! Over the past two weeks, the group has been busy planting flowers and veggies- including: onions, tomatoes, hot peppers and cucumbers, among other things. They have used old tires as planters, and later this summer, the group hopes to paint the tire planters in bright, fun colors to add some pizzazz. The community garden is located in Kinsmen Park, by the ice cream shack. The group meets every Tuesday night for a little weeding and watering. They have an active Facebook group- search for "Youth Engagement Society of Martensville" to keep in the know, and drop by on Tuesday evenings to see what its all about!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Canada Day Volunteer Sign Up

Calling all volunteers! We need volunteer help with Canada Day 2014. There are lots of different opportunities available, including:

- set up and clean up
- face painting
- concession
- running activities, such as Donut on a Stick and the Bouncy Castle
- bingo calling

You can sign up for a shift here. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Canada Day Volunteer Committee Opportunities

Our annual Canada Day event is coming up faster than anticipated (as usual!) We are looking for volunteers to help out with our planning committee. Would you like to help? Contact us to find out when the next meeting will be.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Martensville Flu Clinic

Saskatoon Health will be running a free drop-in flu clinic on Wednesday, November 6 from 3-7 pm. They are looking for volunteers to help at the clinic. If you are interested in helping out, please contact us at the Martensville Community Access Centre. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Are You Smarter Than a Martensville 5th Grader?! Volunteer Opportunities 2013

Are You Smarter Than a Martensville 5th Grader?! 2013 is fast approaching. This is a fun, interactive fundraising event in the style of the popular TV game show. This year, the event will take place on the evening of November 16 at the North Ridge Centennial Community Centre. In addition to the game show, there is an all-you-can-eat dessert buffet and performances by local talent. This is one of our largest projects of the year and we are looking for event volunteers as well as committee volunteers to help with planning. Please refer to the Volunteer Opportunities poster below and contact us if any of the opportunities interests you.