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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Baby Babble and Toddler Talk Session 4: Dental Care

This week at Baby Babble & Toddler Talk we focused on early dental care. Kimberly Edeen, a dental hygienist currently on maternity leave, planned the session and made all the arrangements. Thank you, Kimberly! Dr. Allison Atchison also dropped by to talk to us. Dr. Atchison has just returned to the Martensville Dental Clinic after maternity leave. Some of the topics discussed included the first visit to the dentist, different levels of care for different ages, and soother/thumb sucking. For those new parents who did not attend the session, here are a few tips:

  •           Try to wash out your baby’s mouth several times a day.
  •          Let your baby chew on a toothbrush under parent supervision to get used to the feel.
  •           Develop a bedtime routine that includes brushing at the end of the evening.
  •           After brushing or rinsing, only offer water.
  •           Make sure to brush the child’s teeth after eating or drinking anything that is not water.

The Martensville Dental Clinic brought toothbrushes for all our young attendees. Thank you!

Local Dentists:
Dr. Brian Meyer
Dr. Allison Athcison
(306) 934-4446

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