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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Are You Smarter Than a Martensville 5th Grader?!

On the weekend we held our annual fundraiser, Are You Smarter Than a Martensville 5th Grader?! We had a great turnout. Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who helped with this event! Our all-you-can-eat buffet was entirely provided by volunteer bakers and I must say it was delicious!

We had a few local talents participate in a pre-show- thank you to the Prairie Ribbon Tulips, Chrysanthemums and Butterflies for their dancing, Mia and Jasmine for sharing your beautiful music.

We could not have pulled off this event without our host, contestants and local 5th graders. Below: Our host Kirk Trew, contestants Dr Brian Meyer and Deanne Kaar, our Centre coordinator Kristee Lynn Adrian, and the 5th graders. Representing Valley Manor School: Liam, Jade and Shaelagh. Representing Venture Heights School: Kyran, Evan and Ethan.

Below: Audience Contestants Karen and Emily Zunti

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